The objective of the Early Childhood Educators Qualifications Upgrade Program is to financially support individuals studying in the field, who work in Early Years settings, to obtain an ECE diploma and become eligible to apply for membership with the College of Early Childhood Educators (CECE).
Financial support is available to eligible applicants in the form of an education grant, travel grant, and training allowance.
Learn how to apply for financial support for Early Childhood Education studies.
Explore financial support that covers travel cost incurred while pursuing a diploma.
Assisting grant recipients with living expenses and other incremental costs incurred while pursuing their diploma.
Covers both the initial registration and administration fees with the College of Early Childhood Educators.
See a listing of potential grant eligible Qualifications Upgrade programs, categorized by Ontario colleges.
Search the list of most frequently asked questions, in regards to the Qualifications Upgrade Program.
The education grant is available to cover the cost of tuition fees related to studying in a recognized Early Childhood Education diploma program. Applications are processed on a first come, first served basis once all required documents have been received. Funding is based on the number of applications received, and available funding per semester.
In order to be eligible to receive funds under the grant program, an individual must:
NOTE: The following individuals are exempt from the required 6 months of employment (past or present), however must have a minimum of 1 day of employment within an eligible agency:
In addition, to better meeting the needs of the child care and early years sectors across Ontario funds under the ECE Qualifications Upgrade program will be prioritized for Francophone, First Nation, Métis and Inuit individuals and those who have previously been approved through the ECE QUP Program.
In order to be eligible to apply for the education grant, unlicensed home child care providers must meet the following:
The Business Identification Number (BIN) is a 9-digit number used by the Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Business Services to identify provincial business accounts. It also appears on the Ontario Master Business Licence and should be used for communications with the Ontario government about your business.
Individuals are encouraged to submit their applications as soon as possible; preferably prior to the start of classes. A notice stating that no further applications will be accepted will be posted on the website once all the available funding has been awarded for the academic session. Administrator will contact the applicant in writing within 4 weeks of receiving all required documents, to advise whether their application for a grant has been approved.
Grant payments are deposited directly into the recipient’s bank account on the last banking day of month. The signed agreement and/or other documents must be received by our office by the 20th of the month. Payments will be deferred to the next month if documents/signed agreements are received after the 20th of the month.
Grant recipients will be issued a T4A slip at the end of every calendar year in which they received payment.
Get started on your journey to ECE by completing your application for the education grant. Use the link to access the portal and apply online.
Travel Grants are available to assist students with daily commute expenses while attending classes, first aid training, and/or completing the placement component of their program. Travel Grants may also provide assistance to individuals who are required to live temporarily away from their homes to pursue their studies.
If for any reason, a Travel Grant recipient is unable to travel for one or more of their in-class sessions, the recipient will be required to reimburse the program for the days not traveled. Reasons include but are not limited to, inclement weather, illness, and/or family circumstances.
The Travel Grant amount for travel by car is determined by multiplying the kilometre rate of $0.40/km in Southern Ontario and $0.41/km in Northern Ontario by the return distance between the applicant’s home address and the educational institution location, and then by the number of days of the individual attends classes or placement.
($0.40/$0.41 x Return distance between home address and College Site x # of days in attendance in classes/placement)
Individuals who are required to fly in order to attend courses or placements must provide the estimated cost of airfare with their application. Economy (coach) class is the standard option for ticket purchase. The cost of airfare will be reimbursed. Proof of payment with first and last name must be provided to the program administrator for reconciliation.
Individuals who are required to live temporarily away from home must submit the anticipated costs of their accommodations, and indicate the number of days they will require accommodation. These individuals will receive a daily stipend for meal expenses in alignment with the government’s Travel, Meals and Hospitality Expenses Directive, multiplied by the number of days they are living away from home. Receipts for accommodation expenses must be provided to the program administrator for reconciliation.
In order to be eligible to receive funds under the grant program, the following need apply:
Hotel selections must be in line with the Government of Canada Accommodation Directory. Therefore applicants must ensure their hotel is listed as an acceptable accommodation by searching for their city through the directory. Proof of payment for accommodations must be provided prior to reimbursement.
Students who must live away from home to attend their in class session may also be eligible to receive a meal allowance of $45.00 per day for the duration of the in-class session.
Get started on your journey to ECE by completing your application for a travel grant. Use the link to access the portal and apply online.
A training allowance is available to assist education grant recipients with additional expenses while pursuing their Early Childhood Education diploma.
An individual must be approved for the education grant in order to be eligible to receive a training allowance. All approved education grant recipients are automatically assessed for a training allowance, which will be allocated as follows:
In order to be eligible to receive a training allowance, an individual must be approved for the education grant under this program.
Designated funding is available through the ECE Qualifications Upgrade Program to support previous Ontario ECE Grant recipients who have graduated in any year, and have registered with the CECE from January 1, 2023 to present.
Be eligible to receive a one-time reimbursement to cover both the initial registration and administration fees with the College of Early Childhood Educators (CECE).
The Qualifications Upgrade Program provides financial support to unqualified Early Childhood Educators in Ontario, to obtain their ECE diploma. We have included a listing of ECE programs found within Ontario colleges that are potentially eligible for funding.
The following educational institutions have programs that may be eligible for financial support through our Qualifications Upgrade program. Click on the links below for more information.
Location | Status |
Ottawa Campus | Distance | Full-Time | Part-Time |
Ottawa Campus | Intensive (34 weeks) |
Pembroke Campus | Full-Time | Part-Time (42 weeks) |
Location | Status |
North York | Full-Time |
Location | Status |
Barrydown Campus | Full-Time |
Barrydown Campus | Online | Full-Time (5 semesters) |
Location | Status |
College Drive | Full-Time (2 years) |
College Drive | Accelerated (1 year) |
First Nations Technical Institute | Online (2 years) |
Fort Frances Campus (Seven Generations Education Institution) | Full-Time (2 years) |
Kenjgewin Teg | Full-Time | Blended (2 years) |
Thunder Bay Campus (Wenjack Education Institution) | Blended (2 years) |
Location | Status |
Ashtonbee Campus | Full-Time (2 years) |
Ashtonbee Campus | Part-Time |
Progress Campus | Full-Time (2 years) |
Location | Status |
Hearst | Kapuskasing | Nipissing | Sudbury | Timmins | Toronto | Windsor | Études à distance | Temps plein (4 étapes) | Temps partiel (5 étapes) (Audio/vidéo, À distance, En présentiel, Hybride) |
Location | Status |
Kitchener – Doon | Full-Time (2 years) |
Brantford Campus | Fast Track (1 year) (Hybrid) |
Waterloo Campus | Part-Time (Hybrid) |
Location | Status |
Thunder Bay | Full-Time (2 years) |
Location | Status |
Oshawa Campus | Full-Time (4 semesters) |
Distance | Part-Time (2 years) |
Location | Status |
London | Clinton | St. Thomas | Woodstock Campuses | Online | Full-Time (60 weeks) | Part-Time |
London Campus | Fast Track (37 weeks) |
Distance | Fast Track Online (45 weeks) |
Simcoe Campus | Accelerated (48 weeks) |
Location | Status |
Sutherland Campus | Full-Time |
Sutherland Campus | Part-Time | Advanced Standing |
Location | Status |
Toronto Metropolitan University Campus | Full-Time (2 years) |
Toronto Metropolitan University Campus | Full-Time (16 months) |
Toronto Metropolitan University Campus | Fast Track (10.5 months) |
Toronto Metropolitan University Campus | Part-Time (3-5 years) |
Location | Status |
Orangeville Campus | Orillia Campus | Owen Sound Campus | Full-Time (2 years) | Part-Time |
Location | Status |
Orangeville Campus | North Campus | Full-Time (4 semesters) |
Location | Status |
Ottawa Campus | Temps plein (2 ans) | Temps partiel |
Toronto Campus | à distance | en personne | Temps plein (2 ans) cours de fin de semaine |
Distance | Temps plein (2 ans) | Temps partiel |
Location | Status |
Sarnia Campus | Full-Time (2 years) |
Location | Status |
Belleville Campus | Port Hope Campus | Full-Time (2 years) |
Distance | Distance |
Location | Status |
Fennell Campus | Full-Time (2 years) |
Fennell Campus | Intensive (1 year or less) |
Fennell Campus | Part-Time |
Location | Status |
Toronto Campus | Full-Time | Intensive (1 year) |
Location | Status |
Welland Campus | Full-Time (2 years) |
Welland Campus | Full-Time (1 year) |
Six Nations Polytechnic | Brantford Campus | Full-Time (2 years) |
Location | Status |
Timmins Campus | Distance | Full-Time (2 years) |
Distance | Flexible |
Location | Status |
Sault Ste. Marie Campus | Full-Time (2 years) |
Kenora Campus | Full-Time (2 years) |
Location | Status |
King | Newnham Campus | Full-Time (2 years) |
Newnham Campus | Full-Time | Accelerated (3 semesters - 12 months) |
Newnham Campus | Online, Flexible, Hybrid | Part-Time |
Newnham Campus | Online, Flexible, Hybrid | Part-Time | Accelerated |
Location | Status |
Trafalgar Road Campus | Davis Campus | Full-Time (2 years) | Part-Time |
Trafalgar Road Campus | Davis Campus | Full-Time | Intensive (1 year) |
Location | Status |
Anishinabek Educational Institute | Full-Time (2 years) |
First Nation Sites | Full-Time (2 years) |
Windsor Campus | Part-Time (3 years) |
Windsor Campus | Full-Time | Accelerated (1 year) |
Windsor | Chatham Campus | Full-Time (2 years) |
Location | Status |
Cornwall Campus | Full-Time (2 years) |
Kingston Campus | Full-Time (2 years) |
Online | Full-Time (4 semesters) |
Online | Part-Time |
Here is a list of required documents to include with your application:
A letter from your employer with the following details:
Please note that employment letters should not be dated more than four weeks from the date we start accepting applications.
Unlicensed Childcare Providers must provide the following:
If you are no longer employed you can submit a Record of Employment
A document from the college that confirms your enrolment (full-time/part-time) in an eligible program outlining the semester, tuition fees, and courses.
Here’s where to get this information:
Proof of Payment (if you have paid any fees to the college)
A copy of the tuition receipt for the semester if you have already paid for your courses and/or deposit.
Here are some acceptable documents:
All documents must have your first and last name.
Yes. Individuals must work for a minimum of six months (past or present).
NOTE: The following individuals are exempt from the required 6 months of employment (past or present), however must have a minimum of 1 day of employment within an eligible agency:
Yes. The total period of time that you have been employed within eligible agencies in Ontario will be considered toward the six months eligibility period.
No. Financial assistance is available to employees working in an eligible agency.
Director Approval (Otherwise Approved)
Pertains to an individual having permission from the Ministry of Education to work in a licensed Registered ECE position without having their designation. A copy of this letter must also be submitted at the time of application.
Letter of Permission
Pertains to an individual having permission from the Ministry of Education to work in a Registered ECE position without designation in a publicly funded school setting.
Yes, as long as you meet the eligibility criteria. Please review the application checklist for details regarding this process.
The following types of financial assistance are available through this program:
The education grant is based on your tuition fees, minus any other grants or awards; excluding loans.
Yes. Grant recipients will be issued a T4A slip at the end of every calendar year in which they received payment.
You will receive an e-mail from the Ontario ECE Grants with a link to access the online portal to review the approval letter and sign the contract.
Payments are only deposited once the program administrator receives your signed Grant Assistance Agreement. The Grant Program issues payments on the last day of every month. Documents must therefore be received by our office no later than the 20th of any given month in order for your grant payment to be issued at the end of that same month.
No. Funding is not available once the semester is completed.
Only General Education/ Elective courses under the Apprenticeship Program are eligible for funding under the Early Childhood Educators Qualifications Upgrade program. The cost of Apprenticeship courses are already subsidized by the Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities we cannot provide any further funding for those specific courses.
Yes. This diploma is eligible for financial assistance.
No. Unfortunately, Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) fees are no longer eligible for reimbursement under the Qualification Upgrade program. It will be the student’s responsibility to pay for these fees on their own.
No. Only the Early Childhood Education diploma program from a recognized community college in Ontario is eligible.
Programs are offered through the following institutes:
No. Funding is only offered for programs within Ontario.
If you are unable to pay for your tuition to the college you can select the sponsorship option on the application form and your tuition fees will be paid directly to the college. If you have already paid your tuition or deposit amount to the College you must submit your proof of payment within your application.
If there are any changes during the semester in which you are receiving funding, you must inform the grant Program Administrator immediately.
You must be considered a full-time student by your educational institution.
You must first create a profile and submit an application through the online portal. All supporting documents can be added to your online application. We are no longer accepting applications or supporting documents by email or fax.