The Guide to Applying for ECE Grants
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Application open and close dates | Application opening and closing dates can be found on ecegrants.on.ca and our social media (Facebook, Instagram). Opening dates are before each semester, while closing dates are posted once funds are allocated. |
What documents do I need to apply for a grant? | Here is a list of required documents to include with your application:
Employment A letter from your employer with the following details:
Please note that employment letters should not be dated more than four weeks from the date we start accepting applications. Unlicensed Childcare Providers must provide the following:
If you are no longer employed you can submit a Record of Employment Education A document from the college that confirms your enrolment (full-time/part-time) in an eligible program outlining the semester, tuition fees, and courses. Here’s where to get this information:
Proof of Payment (if you have paid any fees to the college) A copy of the tuition receipt for the semester if you have already paid for your courses and/or deposit. Here are some acceptable documents:
All documents must have your first and last name. |
Sponsorship Information | When you apply for an Ontario ECE Grant, you can choose the sponsorship option on your application form. This means we will pay your tuition directly to the College. You will have to submit a document from the College showing your outstanding tuition fees for the semester i.e. an intent of enrolment document. Once you are approved, we will email the College a sponsorship letter; you will receive a copy. When the semester starts, the College will send us an invoice, which will be paid directly on your behalf. You won’t need to pay the College once you’ve been approved.
If the college receives payment from another source other than the ECE Grants Program it will be the students responsibility to obtain reimbursement from the college. |
OSAP (Ontario Student Assistance Program) – What happens to my ECE Grant if I apply for OSAP? | Students can apply for both an OSAP and an Ontario ECE grant however, all OSAP grants, bursaries/awards will automatically be deducted from any Ontario ECE grant that the individual is eligible to receive. You will need to provide a copy of your OSAP Funding Summary document (all the pages) detailing the breakdown of funds received when submitting your application for the ECE grant funding.
If your tuition fees are being paid by OSAP, please indicate “I have already paid tuition/deposit” and input the amount of tuition paid in your ECE Grant application, include the OSAP Funding Summary which states your fees will be paid directly to the College. |
Grant Payment Information | Payments are deposited in your account on the last business day of each month. To receive your payment, you must sign your contract and submit your transcripts (if requested by our office) in the online portal by the 20th of the month. If this is done after the 20th of the month, your payment will be released at the end of next month. The grant money will be deposited by ‘NBRHC – Payroll’. NBRHC stands for North Bay Regional Health Centre, which is the host organization of the Ontario ECE Grants Program. |
Transcripts are required…but not right away. | You don’t have to wait for your final transcripts to apply for a new semester. However, your payment will be held until the previously funded semester transcripts are received. |
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